Kelly Thune
Sisu (both noun and verb) is a Finnish word that loosely translates to having perseverance,integrity, and tenacity when faced with life’s most significant challenges with an emphasis on short termemphasis, action mindset, and a concept that is emerging in the field of positive psychology. Literature inconcussion/mTBI therapy including John Leddy’s April 2019 study regarding concussion and submaximalexercise crossed with the Emilia Lahti’s research on sisu provides the basis of this unique cultural-basedself help plan. The polarity of pre-brain injury capacity and post-brain injury capacity provides a basis forchange.The inspiring elements of this plan are:
Sisurequiresconfrontingyourchallenges. Sisuisfindingenjoymentindiscomfort. Sisudemonstratesexercise/trainingismedicine. Sisuinvolvestheroleofreflection. Sisuislearningandreasoninformed. Sisuismakingconnectionsandstrengtheningrelationships(includingaskingforhelp.) Sisuisfindingbalanceandpurpose, visioning,anddoing. Biography:Kelly Thune, B.S. Biology, M.A.T Science Education., C.A.S. Education Leadership, Syracuse Universitybrings expertise in the area of school leadership, developing collaborative cultures for change,STEAM/STEM initiatives, designing optimal learning environments, personal and professionaltransformation, and yoga for brain injury. In her role as a school leader, she was credited â??2013 ESSAANYS Zone 5 Administrator of the Year, 2013 NYSSBA Be The Change for Kids Innovation Award,2013 PEB STEM Program of the Year Award and 2010 NYS ASCD Educating the Whole Child forthe 21st Century Award.â?? In 2017, she suffered a second and significant brain injury that was the impetusof learning and advocating for brain injury. She is an advocate and presenter for the New York State BrainInjury Association. She has written a book â??Sisu To A New Youâ?? that is currently in the edit phase of publishing.