Artigo de Pesquisa
MATHEMATICA MEDICA. Santorio and the Quest for Certainty in Medicine
A Critical Examination of the Use of Trained Health Coaches to Decrease the Metabolic Syndrome for Participants of a Community-Based Diabetes Prevention and Management Program
The Impact of Macroeconomic Indicators on Admission Rates in Jamaica Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Hospitals
Artigo de revisão
A Comprehensive Review of an Electronic Health Record System Soon to Assume Market Ascendancy: EPIC®
Substitution and Complementary Effects of Hospitalizations in Jamaica: an Analysis of Spanish Town and Kingston Public Hospitals
Mini Review
Interprofessional Approaches to Non-Complex Wound Care in a Welsh Residential Home for Older People
Development of Integrated Health Promotion Manual on National Health Programs in India
Relato de caso
Repeat Spinal Anesthesia after Failed Spinal Block for Emergency Caesarean Section in a Parturient with Kyphoscoliotic Spine Deformity
Fechar a lacuna na disparidade do cancro da mama: uma análise exploratória da escala de bem-estar espiritual (SWBS) e o seu potencial como ferramenta de promoção da saúde entre as mulheres afro-americanas
Saúde digital e comunicação médico-doente no Nepal