Primeiros Acadêmicos | Periódicos de Acesso Aberto | Revistas revisadas por pares

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Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol Using Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles Derived from Pa- paya (Carica papaya) Peel extract

Mark Tricklebank Neuroimaging Sciences Institute of Psychiatry Kings College London, UK

Artigo de Pesquisa
Toxicological implication of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii on renal function indices of male wistar albino rats

K. Dasofunjo, O. F. C. Nwodo,O. E. Yakubu, R. Ejoba, R. U. Ukpanukpong, S. S. Ipav, M. N. Ugwu, A. I. Okafor and Ezugwu H. C.

Non-Invasive Predictors of Large Esophageal Varices in Patients with Cirrhosis in Cameroon

Nsenga Djapa Guy Roger*, Kowo Pierre Mathurin, Mohamadou Galdima, Ndjitoyap Ndam Antonin Wilson, Talla Paul, Ankouane Andoulo Firmin, Njoya Oudou