Primeiros Acadêmicos | Periódicos de Acesso Aberto | Revistas revisadas por pares

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Artigos mais recentes dos periódicos "Primeiros Acadêmicos"

Artigo de Pesquisa
A comparative study on the role of endothelium in aortic vascular response to phenylephrine in Normal and Diabetic pregnancy

Omeni, AA, Otamere HO, Adisa WA,  Osifo UC, Iyamu OA, Ediangbe AP, Akpamu U, Odiase DE

Artigo de Pesquisa
Clindamycin in Treatment of Lung Abscess in Children

Md Atiar Rahman and Md Mizanur Rahman

Mini Review
"Double Freeze" ICSI Success Delivery Case Studies and Literature Review

Xiaomei Zhang, Yu Pan, Xiaman Huang, Pin Wang, Kaifeng Liu, Naijun Dong, Yurong Ji, Fang Lv, Fang Chen and Hong She